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The enCourage Women's Podcast

May 8, 2018


Singleness in the Church:

What does singleness mean in the context of the Church? Everyone is called to at least a season of singleness, so how can singleness be a blessing both to the single person and to the Body of Christ? Today, Sue Harris joins Karen Hodge to talk about the blessing of being single and how the Church can better serve those doing life solo.

Discussion Questions

  • What are some of the different variables you see in the lives of women who are single compared to those who are married?
  • What are some reasons a woman might be single?
  • Sue talks about how Christ upheld and affirmed singleness. Do you believe singleness is a gift?
  • How is the Body of Christ richer because Jesus brings together both married women and single women?

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Connect to Resources:


  • Connect with CDM

Redeeming Singleness

Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Momentary Marriage

Tim Keller on Singleness


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