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The enCourage Women's Podcast

Oct 29, 2019

Finding Christ's Beauty in the Midst of Brokenness with Victoria Teague

In what ways are you broken? Victoria Teague joins Karen Hodge to share how she found Christ's beauty when she was delivered from addictive behaviors by the unconditional love of Christ. Victoria also shares her journey from being a stripper to...

Oct 22, 2019

Five Things to Pray for Your Kids with Melissa & Emma Kruger

Do you want to impact the next generation? Prayer. We know it sounds simple, but today Melissa and Emma Kruger join Karen Hodge to talk about the importance of prayer and specifically Five things from Scripture you can pray for your kids.

Connect to ...

Oct 15, 2019

The Thinking Behind "Hinged" Turning the Tables on Karen Hodge

Are you a hinge? Today, we turn the tables on Karen Hodge so that she can explain the thinking behind the 2020 Hinged Regional Conferences.



Connect to  Resources:  



Connect with Resources Julie Recommends:


  •  Unraveled


  • Union


Oct 8, 2019

Child Proof: Parenting by Faith not Formula with Julie Lowe

Have you ever just wanted a formula that guaranteed your kids would turn out right? Julie Lowe knows how you feel. As a trained counselor and six children of her own, Julie shares how parenting is a real opportunity to grow our faith, because the formulas...

Oct 1, 2019

Unashamed: Putting Shame in its Place with Alice Kim 

How does shame affect you? Does it make you want to hide? Alice Kim joins Karen Hodge to share how shame can reveal our idols and isolate us, but the Gospel frees us to be unashamed.


Connect to  Resources:  



Connect with Resources Alice Recommends:


  •  Soul Shame


  • Emmaues