Apr 28, 2020
Are you more inclined to be merely informed by the Word or do you yearn for real heart transformation? Join Cheryl Mullis and host Karen Hodge as they converse about eternal fruit of cultivating a culture of life-on-life discipleship in...
Apr 21, 2020
Long for your prayer life to be revitalized? Join Barbara Thompson, author of Equipping the Church for Kingdom Prayer, and host Karen Hodge as they unpack what it means to align our prayer lives with the truths in God's Word and the multiplied blessing that...
Apr 14, 2020
What truths can you be certain of in these uncertain days? Join Karen Hodge and an intergenerational small group including Susan Hunt, Elizabeth Turnage, Susan Tyner, Paula Miles and Rachel Craddock as they remind each other what is anchoring them in His Word during these...
Apr 7, 2020
We invite you to spend some time today preparing your heart for Holy Week. Chris Gordon joins Karen Hodge in the book of Luke to help us consider the cost of discipleship.