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The enCourage Women's Podcast

Dec 4, 2018

Engaging Disability with the Gospel:

Is your church inviting to all people and all families? Making the church a safe and welcoming place for all people is an important part of engaging people with the Gospel. Today, Ashley Belknap joins Karen Hodge to introduce us to Engaging Disability With The Gospel, the denominational disability ministry for the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).

Discussion Questions

  • How does your church accommodate those with disabilities?
  • We all want relationships that are mutually encouraging. How have you been encouraged or inspired by someone with a disability?
  • What does Ashley say is the first step of forming a plan to engaging disability?
  • Ashley talks about the importance of taking a step towards others in the context of relationship. Do you have someone in your community that might have differences that affect their ability to have community? How can you move toward that person?

CDM strengthens the Church by connecting you to the people and resources you need

Connect to Resources:


  • Connect with CDM

2019 LT


  • Connect with Ashley through Engaging Disability Website and on Facebook





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  • Tell others. We truly hope this podcast is a source of encouragement - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.